Friday, February 15, 2008



We started the day with the normal singing of Angelo trying to get us up 30 minutes earlier than the set wake up time. Of course we had to get up but it was pretty easy since today was the day we were going to Yellowstone. As we headed to the dining room for breakfast everyone stopped in the fields and looked up. When I did so, i was blown away. I've never seen so many stars in my life, it was amazing! After breakfast (fruit and cereal) we walked over to the vans and were on our way to Yellowstone. Now I don't know exactly how long the ride took because i slept the whole time, but it was long. When we arrived at the expedition began. As we put on our skies we watched a herd of bison across the ROARING RIVER roam the hillside. With Brian at the lead we started our cross country expedition across Yellowstone. We saw many thing on our way to Old Faithful, geysers, water pools, mud pots, and bison. It was such an amazing sight. There were a few trouble spots while we were skiing that we all had to conquer. The first was a hill that you had to either go through some trees or go off a jump. I went through trees and i stayed on my feet as did most people, but the ones who went off the jump just could not land it (Mr. Bartman). The second was a tree stump that we had to climb over, which was very difficult with skis on. Anyway, by the end of the day everyone was out, we just couldn't stay awake. But right before we went to bed two people got our attention; Tinker and Mr. Bartman. Tinker taught us avalanche rescue which we will be attempting tomorrow and Mr. Bartman read us a story which made us reflect on all the wonderful things we have experienced on the trip so far.

- by Andrew Etzel

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